And it's literally doggy-style because I am barking orders at him. What we do: This is just doggy-style sex.

After several thrusts, he should pull back and wait until you demand he continue. What you're supposed to do: From behind, have him thrust deeply into you at an extremely slow pace. Now, we're not normally twice-in-a-day people but every now and then, usually on vacation, we rise (or he rises? Credit where credit is due!) to the occasion. Fifty Shades/almost the entire world knows what they're talking about! Saturday, noon: So that's pretty cool and not that unusual. What we do: We get down to the deed and it's … well, it's normal missionary sex? It's Saturday morning and we're doing it. Then, have him shift onto his elbows while he rests his weight on you and continues to thrust quickly. Have him thrust into you very slowly about four times. What you're supposed to do: Put your knees in the air like Anastasia did when she lost her virginity. Play icon The triangle icon that indicates to play